
Ayurveda Packages in Kerala: A Holistic Approach to Health

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Why Kerala for Ayurveda? Kerala is often hailed as the cradle of Ayurveda, offering authentic and deep-rooted Ayurvedic practices. The tropical climate, abundant medicinal plants, and pristine environment make Kerala an ideal place for Ayurveda to thrive.

Trividha Pariksha

View from Reception

Examination of a patient is having utmost importance in the field of medicine. Examination plays a major role in diagnosis of diseases as well as planning treatments. In Ayurveda examination of patient are of different types; one of the most important among them is TRIVIDHA PARIKSHA. Where “trividha” means three methods and “pariksha” means examination. […]

Mode of Action of Nasya

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The main aim of the Ayurvedic Science is to attain Dhatusatmya (equilibrium of tissues) through Samana (pacification therapy) & Sodhana (Purification Therapy). Nasya is one among the Sodhana procedures which is mainly used to eliminate the morbid doshas that are accumulated above the neck region. NASA: Nasa is considered as the GATEWAY OF SIRAS. It […]

Culinary Delights by the Sea: Dining at Rockholm

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Indulge in an Ayurveda food extravaganza at Hotel Rockholm, where the culinary delights by the sea will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine originating in India, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between mind, body, and spirit. Through the exploration of Ayurveda principles, we […]

Ayurvedic Excellence : Nattika Beach Resort and Rockholm Ayurveda Retreat Featured in BBC News


Nestled along the tranquil shores of Kerala, Rockholm Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat in Kovalam and Nattika Beach Resort in Thrissur shine as bastions of wellness and traditional Ayurvedic practices. In an era increasingly drawn to holistic health, these havens provide a refuge where mind, body, and soul find harmony through time-honored Indian healing traditions. Let’s […]

Concept of Sleep (Nidra) in Ayurveda

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In Ayurveda Sleep (nidra) is considered as a basic instinct of life. Ayurveda says Nidra is one of the Thrayopasthambha i.e three pillars of health.

Ayurvedic Perspective of Allergy

Beach Bed Lounge View to Sea

Allergy is a disorder of the immune system, causes a lot of discomforts and can interfere with our day to day life. They are caused by seasonal changes, certain food, stress, pollution etc. Ayurveda believe that an imbalance of three doshas can cause allergies. When your agni (digestive fire) becomes weak, it causes Ama (toxins) […]


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Agni has got prime importance in treatment. Without agni, there is no life at all. Longevity, Complexion, Lustre, Health, Enthusiasm, Metabolism are all dependant on agnibala. “Agni moolam balam pumsam bala moolam hi jeevitham”Deha bala is directly dependant on agni.Correction of Agni is the basic principle of treatment.

Pancha Karma: Eine Umfassende Ayurvedische Entgiftungs- Und Verjüngungstherapie

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Panchakarma, ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Ayurveda, ist eine tiefgreifende Entgiftungs- und Verjüngungstherapie, die darauf abzielt, das natürliche Gleichgewicht und Wohlbefinden des Körpers wiederherzustellen. Panchakarma ist tief in alten Texten wie der Charaka Samhitha verwurzelt, die uns helfen, das komplizierte Gleichgewicht der Doshas im Körper zu verstehen und zu erkennen, wie wichtig es ist, dieses Gleichgewicht […]


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Das OM-Mantra, oft auch als “Aum” bezeichnet, nimmt in der Welt der Spiritualität und Meditation einen besonderen Platz ein. OM hat seine Wurzeln in den alten indischen Schriften, insbesondere in den Veden und Upanishaden. Es wird als der ursprüngliche Klang angesehen, aus dem das Universum entstanden ist. Das Symbol selbst besteht, wenn es geschrieben oder […]