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Mr. Rubathsingh S

Rockholm Resort

Dharana is a Sanskrit word that means "concentration." Dharana can be translated as the process of focusing or fixing the attention of the mind on one object or place, or, in simple terms, concentration.

While practicing yoga, our primary concentration is frequently the breath, but it can also be on our bodies, our minds, or visuals. Dharana is the attachment of your awareness to a specific thing, location, or concept. According to Patanjali's description in the Yoga Sutras, Dharana is the sixth of the Eight Limbs of Yoga

Dharana can be obtained by mastering one's breath, body, and mind. In the same way, frequent Dharana practice improves focus when performing an asana or pranayama. Concentration is enhanced and improved.With perseverance and time, one will experience all body awareness and thoughts becoming still in the state of true Dharana, facilitating sharp, focused concentration on the meditation's objectives.Incorporating daily yoga programs into your routine can further support the journey toward mastering Dharana and achieving a deeper meditative state.

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During yoga asana practices, guests may be encouraged to focus their attention on specific parts of their bodies or on the alignment of their poses. In Rockholm, Dharana holds a significant role. When practicing asanas and pranayama, it encourages guests to concentrate on their physical and mental well-being. In Rockholm, we often utilize the sound of the waves in order to improve focus, and guests find it easier to concentrate.

Overall, dharana practices in a yoga class aim to quiet the mind, enhance focus, and deepen the connection between body, mind, and spirit. By cultivating concentration, students can experience greater mental clarity, emotional stability, and inner peace both on and off the yoga hall.