We can see a great deal of diversity in the abilities, physical appearances, behaviour etc. among humans.
What is it that makes an individual unique and distinctly different from others?
"Prakruthisthu swabhavah"
The word 'Prakruthi' derives from two words:
"Prak" refers to before, beginning or source of origin. "Kruthi" refers to birth or creation.
Prakruthi, on the whole means 'the first formed nature'
In Ayurveda, the unchangeable genetic identity of an individual is called Prakruthi. "Janmamaranatharakalabhavini avikarini doshasthithi prakruthi"
Kapha embodies qualities of heaviness, slowness, coolness and stability.
Those with Kapha Prakruthi are calm, nurturing and have a strong stamina, but they may face challenges like weight gain, sluggishness and attachment when their constitution is disturbed.
In Dwandhaja and Tridoshaja Prakruthi, characteristics of the respective doshas can be seen according to their predominance.
In Ayurveda, understanding the prakruthi is fundamental to achieving balance and well-being in one's life.
Knowing one's Prakruthi can guide him/her to a lifestyle and diet that harmonizes with his/her unique constitution, promoting overall health and wellbeing.
To determine the Prakruthi, it's best to consult with an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner
who can assess physical and mental attributes as well as lifestyle habits. At Rockholm, we offer personalized ayurvedic consultations and treatments to help you discover your Prakruthi and restore balance to your life.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness at Rockholm
, where the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda awaits to reveal your true nature and guide you towards a life of vitality and harmony.