
Ayurveda Diet

Introduction to Ayurveda diet;  

According to Charaka (ancient Ayurveda scholar) food sustains life of all living being in this Universe.  Food is said to be the basis of life, strength, complexion, immunity, growth, clarity of senses, intellect and health.  For a healthy life, proper diet, daily regimen, seasonal regimen and treatment methodologies are advised in Ayurveda. The intake of wholesome food is responsible for the maintenance of health whereas the intake of unwholesome food is responsible for diseases. Thus we can see that diet plays a significant role in treating a disease as well as in preserving health.

Balancing doshas with Diet;

Doshas are the functional forces of our body. They are the bio energies controlling both the physiological and the psychological functions. They are three in number, viz. Vatha, Pitha and Kapha. When the doshas are working in harmony, we are healthy. Improper diet or food habits can ruin this harmony of doshas and lead to diseases. Each doshas have peculiar characteristics, hence food or diet having opposite qualities in general help to pacify the doshas.

Vatha pacifying food:

Vatha is itself cool and dry in property. Hence food substance having opposite qualities, that means, oily warm food help to pacify Vatha . Some example of Vatha pacifying food items are oil, ghee, healthy fats, most nuts and seeds, fruits like banana, mangoes, apple, avocado, sweet potato, pumpkin and dairy products like butter.

Pitha pacifying food

Pitha is as such sharp, like fire and hot in property. Hence soothing, cold food help to pacify Pitha. Some examples are oil, ghee, cucumber varieties, pumpkin, fruits like watermelon, coconut water, dates, cardamom, fennel and coriander are Pitha pacifying.

Kapha pacifying food

Kapha is soft, heavy, cool and slimy by nature. Hence Kapha reducing food are warm, light and dry. The food items which have sharp penetrating property is good for Kapha, honey is a perfect example.  Some other examples are spices like ginger, garlic, black pepper, celery, pomegranate, raw mango, radish and chilly.

Understanding the Ayurvedic body types;

To have a proper diet, it is important to understand certain factors like –  person’s body nature which is influenced by the three doshas, the age, the doshas which have gone imbalanced that has caused diseases in him, understanding the digestive system by assessing the Agni or digestive fire and also the season.  

Incorporating Ayurvedic principles on your diet:

Equilibrium of the doshas is necessary for maintaining health. The basic principle of Ayurveda diet can be incorporated in our daily life by listening to the body, knowing the present health condition and by carefully selecting food according to the doshas. Thus we can see that the diet selection varies from person to person.


This time tested ancient wisdom of health care indeed will guide you to lead a peaceful and healthy life by following the regimens explained on diet, daily routine, seasonal routine and also by following the “Pathyas” – dietary restrictions explained for each health condition. By following these principles, you can tackle the distress inflicted on the body by the disease and also help in boosting the efficacy of medicines administered.

Here at Nattika, treatment is provided by a harmonious combination of treatment, medicines, dietary advice, meditation, yoga and also by the follow-up guidance given by the eminent health care team on leading a healthy life.